Title: Trapped (Starwalkers Serial #2)
Authors: Lizzy Ford, Julia Crane
Release date: Feb 16, 2014
on the war-riddled planet of Lemuria, Cyena must hide her true identity if she
is to survive. She seeks refuge with a small pocket of other elites in hiding,
only to find herself in more danger with them than she was on her own. Cyena is
one of the only members of the most elite Lemurrian bloodlines to survive the
invasion, which makes her a bargaining chip the others want to trade to the
insurgents in the hope of buying their own amnesty.
uncovers their plan and works hard to hone her psychic skills, knowing the same
skills that condemned her before the war are all that will save her now.
complicate matters, Kaydon, her rescuer and the son of the rebellion’s leader,
offers her sanctuary. But if she leaves the city with him, she loses any chance
of discovering what happened to her sister. If she stays, she risks being
who to trust and what to do, Cyena will face untold challenges to find some
trace of her sister.
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